Let Em Fight: We Have Video Of Dan Hurley Walking Off The Court And Apparently Telling A Creighton Fan He'll Knock Them Out

I gotta be honest. I side with Dan Hurley here. I can't believe I'm saying that about a UConn coach, but who knows what was said. Yeah, you probably *shouldn't* say you're going to knock someone out. But Dan Hurley is a lunatic and that's good for the sport. Everyone loves to complain that we don't have the coaching personality that we had growing up. You know when John Chaney threatened to KILL John Calipari. 

Don't get me wrong, I know people will say you should just ignore fans and what not. But Creighton fans were out here chanting fuck Dan Hurley at every break. He's pissed off after a loss. If I'm a UConn fan, I love this. I want a crazy ass coach because that means you're winning games. If Hurley wasn't like this you're looking at more of the Kevin Ollie era. 

Fans say whatever the hell they want and at most - typically in an NBA game - they might get ejected. Coaches and players should have the right once a season to challenge said fan to a Rough n Rowdy fight. If Dan Hurley thinks he can knock out this fan, bring a ring out and let them go. It's also without a doubt that the Hurley brothers would be the first two to use this lifeline. 

This is Big East basketball baby. A league where coaches fight all the time. A league where they play at MSG and everyone hates each others guts. I just can't get upset about someone responding to shit talking. I don't care if you're an adult, Dan Hurley is a crazy person. You gotta keep your head on a swivel if you're talking shit to him. Luckily this guy was there from preventing it all from happening

Laying his body on the line. 

I can't wait to see Dan Hurley's forced apology. You know he's going to hate every living second of it. 

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